Sunday, 30 September 2007

Illustration Friday

What a good subject, I love the Blues - so I had to do something this obvious. Can you guess the style of the artist I've parodied?
I actually drew this one with pen, ink and gouche, just to prove to myself I still could.
As the great Viv Stanshall once asked "Can blue men sing the whites?"

Does any one out there know what to do when your Mac keeps telling you that "scratch disk is full"? It's driving me insane!!


thefridayfrog said...

is it FRIDA? oh, no...maybe not...i really like it, tho! now you've got me thinking...picasso, chagall...hmmm...grrr...brain hurts!

ok for the SCRATCH disk full...go into your prefs and make SURE that where your psd is drawing cache space from, is someplace where you still have room. it tells you how much it needs, once you hit that, DISK FULL. if it's you HD, then you need to do some cleanup tomake room for it again. if you can, set it to something else - an external hd is really best. hope that helps! :)

elizabeth said...

I love this! I'm particularly impressed with those of you who managed to illustrate "the blues" using warm colors. Makes sense, because blues music has such passion behind it. Well done.

Paul Bommer said...

hey weef, that is fantastic, strong, simple and beautifully graphic, very impressive

fepagani said...

hey there... really like this illustration here! pretty strong... it reminds me of xilographies illustration on the covers of popular short stories sold for .50 pences in street markets in the northeast of brazil. The artist selling these novels keep them on string and that is where it gets its name from: Literatura de Cordel. I think you may like.
Anyways, good work and thanks for your comments on my page!

Nemo said...

I really like this drawing, very expressive!A very strong style.
And thanks for your comment on my blog!

shaky mouse said...

missed this last week.. i really like the use of colour, this is a great piece of work